Snoring Appliances

While loud & chronic snoring is often a sign of sleep apnea, many people who snore do not have sleep apnea. In these cases, a snoring appliance can provide a more restful night’s sleep and restore the needed quiet for anyone else who is nearby.

A couple lying in bed, with the man holding his ears and the woman looking distressed, possibly suggesting discomfort or a loud noise.

According to statistics, about 90 million individuals in the United States snore while they sleep. While for about half of these people the problem is simply snoring, the others may be afflicted with a serious disorder known as sleep apnea. Therefore, before any type of treatment can be prescribed, it must be determined whether the problem is sleep apnea or “simple” snoring.

If it is determined that your problem is simply snoring, and you are what is known as a primary snorer, then an oral appliance can help you as well as any of your roommates enjoy a quieter and more comfortable sleep. A custom fabricated oral appliance to address snoring fits somewhat like a sports mouthguard or orthodontic retainer and is only worn while you sleep. As a removable and non-invasive treatment for snoring, your appliance slightly repositions your jaw to allow for a less restricted airflow to promote a quieter and more restful sleep.

For skilled and experienced care you can trust

Dr. Spatafora is a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and a Diplomate with the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. AADSM is the leading national organization for dentists who treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy, an effective alternative treatment to the standard CPAP machine. Dr. Spatafora is committed to using his knowledge of dental sleep medicine to help treat his patient's snoring and sleep apnea and provide Northeast Louisiana residents with a better night's rest.

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Hours of Operation

8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
7:00 am - 2:00 pm
8:00 am - 5:00 pm